Texas SAR Fee Calculator
updated 28 August 2024


The following tables outline the fee distributions for Dues, Applications, Requests for Transfer, Reinstatements, Dual Memberships, and more.  When calculating total fees (national, state, and chapter) the fact that several chapters have larger chapter dues rates than the "standard" must be taken into account and the dues rates for 2025 are in use in this form.  For accurate fees regardless of chapter, select a Chapter from the drop-down list and enter your age (necessary only if you are interested in Perpetual Membership).

Note:  The state fees on this page include a $3.00 annual assessment to defray expenses which the state will incur in hosting the 2029 National Congress in San Antonio.

Note:  Fees may not show in extremely narrow browser views as in smart phones held vertically.

Select your Chapter:  
Enter your age:   (for Perpetual Membership rate)
Note: The calculation of Perpetual Membership costs is temporarily suspended until the Perpetual Fund Trustees committee meets to determine whether the Texas Society will be changing their rates.


New Membership Applications
(amounts shown at each level include application fees and first year's dues)
  NSSAR   $200.00
  Texas SAR   $47.00
New Junior Membership Applications - New Line
(you are applying as a Junior member and the ancestor you are applying under has not been documented or approved through the SAR, DAR or C.A.R. in the past - amounts shown at each level include application fees and first year's dues:
  NSSAR   $155.00
  Texas SAR   $32.00
  CHAPTER $6.00
TOTAL: $193.00
New Junior Membership Applications - Established Line
(for Son, Grandson of Active SAR, DAR, SR under 18 years of age using a lineage which has already been accepted by the SAR or DAR or if the applicant is a current active member of the C.A.R. - amounts shown at each level include application fees and first year's dues)
  NSSAR   $80.00
  Texas SAR   $32.00
  CHAPTER $6.00
TOTAL: $118.00
Junior Membership from C.A.R. Membership Conversion
(must be a current active member of the C.A.R. under the age of 18)
click here for C.A.R. conversion rate if age is 18+
  NSSAR   $5.00
  Texas SAR   $44.00
  CHAPTER $6.00
TOTAL: $55.00
New Family Membership Applications
(amounts shown at each level include application fees and first year's dues)
  First Family Member (normal New Member app fee)
       Subsequent Family Members who's age is < 18 years submitted at same time and on same Patriot. $80.00
       Texas SAR   $44.00
     2nd, 3rd 4th, etc TOTAL each additional application for those who's age is < 18 years:
       Subsequent Family Members who's age is ≥ 18 years submitted at same time and on same Patriot. $125.00
       Texas SAR   $47.00
     2nd, 3rd 4th, etc TOTAL each additional application for those who's age is ≥ 18 years:
New Membership for SON, Grandson, Brother, Nephew, or Grand-nephew of Active SAR, DAR, or SR
(or if deceased, was active at the time of death) and under 25 years of age.
  NSSAR   $125.00
  Texas SAR   $47.00
Membership transfer from C.A.R.
(or current or former members of the C.A.R. when the individual is between the ages of eighteen (18) and under twenty-two (22) years.)
click here for C.A.R. conversion rate if age less than 18
  NSSAR   $50.00
  Texas SAR   $47.00
Reinstatement of inactive former members of Texas Society.
  NSSAR   $50.00
  Texas SAR   $15.50
Memorial Applications
  NSSAR   $200.00
  Texas SAR   $6.00
Reinstatement and Transfer from another state of an inactive former member.
  NSSAR   $50.00
  Texas SAR   $15.50
  If a NSSAR Record Copy is needed, Compatriot will be asked to furnish it.  
Dual Membership with a membership in another state society.
  Texas SAR   $15.50
  If a NSSAR Record Copy is needed, Compatriot will be asked to furnish it.  
Active member of another state society to transfer to Texas SAR.
  Texas SAR   $15.50
  If a NSSAR Record Copy is needed, Compatriot will be asked to furnish it.  
Supplemental Applications
(amounts shown at each level re application fees)
  NSSAR   $150.00
  Texas SAR   $32.00
  CHAPTER $6.00
TOTAL: $188.00

Supplemental Family Plan
(given when more than one member of a family, within no more than two degrees of kinship, submit supplemental applications at the same time, based on descent along the same genealogical line from the same supplemental patriot ancestor.)

  First Family Member (normal Supplemental fee) $188.00
  Subsequent Family Members submitted at same time and on same Patriot. $75.00
  Texas SAR   $32.00
  CHAPTER $6.00
TOTAL: $113.00
Perpetual Membership
The cost of a Texas SAR Perpetual Membership is based upon the age of the member and is the total of the National Life Membership rate and the Texas Perpetual membership rate (automatically calculated for you here if you entered your age).  A Perpetual Membership may be purchased in two installments, one installment at the National rate and the other installment at the Texas rate.  To learn about Texas SAR Perpetual and NSSAR Life Membership, see the Perpetual Membership Information page.

  Texas Perpetual Membership Fee
  National Life Membership Fee
Current dues for members.
  NSSAR   $50.00
  Texas SAR   $15.50