The Sons of the American Revolution honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, and educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country.
We create memorials to and we celebrate the anniversaries of the American Revolution.
We promote the ideals of our forefathers and share words of freedom found in the Constitution’s preamble and in Washington’s Farewell Address.
We research, acquire and preserve the records and relics – the lives and the landmarks - of our patriot ancestors.
Welcome to the Texas SAR!

Welcome to the website of the Texas Society Sons of the American Revolution! We are a lineage society whose members’ ancestry are recognized contributors to the winning of the American Revolutionary War.
Our members honor their patriot’s efforts and sacrifices to establish the United States of America by perpetuating these same values, liberties, and freedoms today through the service of actively promoting History, Patriotism, and Education.
We do this by recognizing veterans and public service members, holding scholastic contests and scholarship awards for young people, recognizing young leaders in JROTC, Eagle Scouts, and those in 4H, promoting history, recognizing outstanding history teachers, and providing speakers and color guards for many patriotic and community events and so much more!
Texas is a large, active, and diverse society with forty-eight chapters located around the state. We are always looking for new members and leaders who can assist us in celebrating what our founding ancestors did!
For any questions about our Society, please contact a Chapter President (click here for listing) near you (click here for map). You can also email our communications Secretary at:
Thank you for your interest!
Tracy A. Pounders
President Texas Society SAR
Click here for video of President Tracy Pounder's address to the 129th Convention.